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Photos by [Maya Shelkovnikova](http://lubitel.su/).

Contemporary Art Exhibition “Look!” opened today in Novosibirsk.

Выставка современного искусства

The opening was very exciting: pornographic pictures on the walls were in abundance, the musicians were wonderful, a cultural critic Sergey Samoilenko talked to vice-governor Andrei Filichev, as a modern artist Slava Mizin of the “Blue Noses” group launched fireworks from his own pants.

Современное искусство

Музыканты играютТанцы, музыка

Художник Мизин

Слава Мизин

And this, my friends, is the primary sensation of the evening: Gary Oldman came to the opening of the exhibition in Novosibirsk!

Гэри Олдман

Mr Oldman friendly talked to local residents and even made a commentary for TV. By the way, [Robin Williams](http://www.flickr.com/photos/nokato/2723917535/sizes/o/in/set-72157603610266957/) came to Novosibirsk to watch the total solar eclipse last year.